If you have three or more esx serves in a cluster with a couple dozen NFS datastores, it can be time consuming adding 24 datastores to one server or adding one or two new datastores to each server in the cluster.
I have found the quickest and easiest way to do this is using VMware’s Management Assistant - either the Linux or Windows flavor. To do this, run the following command from your Management Assistant CLI:
esxcfg-nas.pl - server 'esx server name' -username 'user' -a 'name of your new datastore' -o 'ip address or name of your NFS server' -s 'name and path of the nfs export'
for example: esxcfg-nas.pl - myesxserver - username me -a mynewdatastore -o -s /vol/newvol/newqtree
That's it.
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